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Hello fellow visitor. This is a temporary page since I don't have a personal site yet, so I am using one of the pages I created for my character Kita. haha


Who is Loui?

Hello! My name is Louise, but I go by my artistic name, Louizim. This is the name I use to sign my artwork, and you can find me under this name on most platforms. I am a hobbyist artist with a strong passion for gaming, cheetahs, and coding.

I plan on making an art galery, a character gallery and a old page layout galery. The last one I'm currently working on . haha


So, you wanna know more about this mysterious cheetah lady?


Name: Aimalei (English pronounce is similar to 'Emily')
Alias: Kita, Maleei or Aima
Gender: female ---- Age: Around 25 years
Neo-Species: UC faerie xweetok
Species: Nekitsune (original species)
Friends: Mizim, Kuto, Arcangel.
Diet: Carnivore, but she complements her diet with vegetables and fruits.
Eyes: Light orange, almost yellow
Distinct traits: triangular shaped face. Heights 65cm at shoulders. Her antenna has red protuberances that emit a faint red light.
Abilities: Can predict future and can see the past of someone by touching them, can move objects without touching them (telekinesis), can manipulate plants and nature in general. (will be explained in the abilities section).

Kita is a mysterious and reserved character, she suffered a lot in her past and it led scars in her personality. She was expulsed from her village because of her ability to predict future. At first she predicted fortune, but it changed to predict bad fortune.
- Her appearance is dark and scary, others are afraid of her and they leave her alone.
- She has a small cabin in the forest, around it there are large crop fields. Around the crop fields there is a chicken coop. Yes, Aima raises chicken!
- She can make plants grow incredibly fast. If they get a disease or fungus, she cures them. Her kitchen is always full of fruits, veggies, potatoes and stuff.
- Because her crops are big, the excess produce is sold at villages and cities near where she lives.

Likes: Pumpkins, eggs, she desires company but is afraid of being rejected or by predicting something bad about her friends, eggs,

Dislikes: Liars, to get her fur wet, get a spell wrong, see the fate of a good friend, being chased...

And thats it!

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